
Passing Clouds is made up of a community of like minded members. To become a lifelong member and enjoy full access to all our music, cultural and community events you must register your details below.

Once you have entered your full name, email and contact number below, you will then be sent a verification email. You will need to click on the link to activate your membership.

Members enjoy full access to all our music, cultural and community events as well as being kept up to date with all the amazing work we and our worldwide family do through our mailing list.

You may unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time and you will still remain a life long member.

We are of all: Nationalities, Races, Genders, Creeds and None. We seek love, peace, reconciliation and community between all peoples and to enable that through our collective’s effects and through the Passing Clouds home. As a part of enabling that we provide refreshments, entertainment, information, education, community events, employment, volunteer activities and more for the Passing Clouds Community Members and Guests.

The Community is a loving, peaceful, vibrant and welcoming Community that welcomes its friends and other guests as Members of the Passing Clouds Community as a means of spreading it’s life and messages.

All members must adhere to the Passing Clouds Code Of Conduct which is in place to preserve the ethos of Passing Clouds. Breach of any of the conducts points will risk loss of membership and refusal of entry.

Members must register their name, email and contact number with us.
Members will not steal from the venue or from each other.
Members must promote peace and behave non violently.
Members must be searched by security as a condition of entrance.
Respect all other club members, regardless of their gender, ability, disability, cultural background or religion.
Pay any club entry fees
Behave in a way that does not place yourself or others at risk
Take care of all property belonging to the club or any club member.
Co-operate fully, and respect all requests and decisions made by the manager, security and staff.
Members must refrain from using illegal substances while on the premises or in the smoking area.
Club members must behave appropriately and avoid behaviour which may inconvenience or upset

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